Print Control Test Application MS Sans Serif Form1% Command2 &About... Command1 E&xit TestColumn Test &Column Output CompanyName TestText TextTest Test &Text Output GraphicsTest Test &Graphics PrintPort MS Sans Serif Label5 Port Name: PrintName MS Sans Serif Label4 Printer Name: DLLVersion MS Sans Serif Label3 DLL Version: Line2 Label2 Printer Information: MS Sans Serif Shape2 Shape1 Line1 Label1 Your Name Here: Command1_Clicky Form_DblClick AboutBox Form_Load nMajorI nMinor2 PrintDLLVersion DLLVersion Caption DevName PrinterPort{ PrintPort PrinterName PrintName Form_UnloadP Cancel GraphicsTest_Click MargA PrintingDlg InitializePrinter PageLayoutSetup DrawLine DrawRectangle DrawEllipse DrawRndRectangle PrintingDone TestColumn_Click nStyle rgColumnWidths szHeader szText" CompanyNamek Text_ PrintColumnHeaders MoveYPos SetUpColumns PrintColumnText@ EndColumnPrinting TextTest_Click ParagraphStart TestText ParagraphTextv FinishParagraph SetParagraphSpacing DLLVersion_Click endsub GraphicsTest_Cli DonePrinting DonePrintingDone StartParagraph Command2_Click Form_Deactivate Command1_Click Command2_Click Form_Load Form_Unload GraphicsTest_Click TestColumn_Click Company Name: Courier New Address: 12345 Elm Street Courier New Anywhere, USA Courier New Date: Courier New Quantity Description Price Arial Courier New Computer 486sx 25Mhz $ 3250.54 i% = PrintColumnText("2" + Chr$(9) + "This is a very long description that shows the ability to wrap text" + Chr$(9) + "$ 34.64") Generic Modem $ 145.32 Gross of Fire Crackers $ 1.92 TextTest_Click Print it Once Times New Roman Print it Twice Arial Print it a Third time Courier New